Efficient Urban Planning with URBAN-INTEL

Unveil the future of urban planning with URBAN-INTEL, a comprehensive solution powered by Spatial Analytics and Digital Twin technologies.

Tackling the complexity of urban planning?

We understand. Managing urban development projects can feel like navigating a labyrinth. But rest easy, there's a clear path forward.

Say goodbye to inefficient urban operations with URBAN-INTEL: the solution that simplifies, anticipates, and empowers.

Unlock a new level of urban planning

Introducing URBAN-INTEL, the key to effortless urban planning. We've harnessed the power of Spatial Analytics and Digital Twin technologies to create a streamlined solution that will revolutionize how you manage your urban development projects.

Voyager Urban-Intel


    Automate inspections of urban assets and infrastructures using our Spatial Analytics. With our technology, maintenance becomes proactive rather than reactive.


    Monitor urban projects and manage your tasks effectively in real-time. Reduce traffic congestion and urban accidents with live updates.


    Keep a real-time view of your urban assets and manage them efficiently with our superior inventory management system.


    With our traffic analysis capabilities, optimize traffic flow within the city, reduce congestion, and enhance operational efficiency.


    Integrate data from various sources to streamline ticketing and dispatch processes, improving urban operations and resource allocation.


    Leverage our Digital Twin technology to simulate various operational scenarios and urban events, planning better for future possibilities.

  • Eliminate fragmentation and streamline your urban planning processes with URBAN-INTEL.

  • Address issues proactively to enhance the reliability and performance of your operations.

  • Gain a clear and holistic view of your urban assets with URBAN-INTEL.

Your Path to Stress-Free Urban Planning

Spatial Analytics

Imagine having a team of experts with eagle eyes, inspecting urban assets with precision and ease. Our Spatial Analytics automate drone inspections, providing thorough, accurate results.

Digital Twin

Think of it as having a virtual clone of your city. Our Digital Twin technology creates a digital replica that enables you to simulate scenarios, plan for future possibilities, and optimize your operations for maximum efficiency.

Take the leap into a new era of asset management

Ready to chart a course for efficient urban planning? Contact us today to schedule a demo of URBAN-INTEL. Experience firsthand how our solution can simplify your urban planning processes and empower you to make data-driven decisions.

Say goodbye to asset management headaches

With URBAN-INTEL, you'll bid farewell to the headaches of asset management. Say goodbye to spreadsheets, data silos, and fragmented processes. URBAN-INTEL brings everything together in one comprehensive solution, providing you with a clear view of your assets and streamlining your workflows.

Don't let outdated urban planning practices hold you back

Join the forward-thinking organizations that have embraced URBAN-INTEL. Experience the freedom to focus on what matters most while URBAN-INTEL takes care of your urban planning needs.

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